Sunday 11 January 2015

My Pamper Night


Today I thought I'd tell you all about my pamper night routine. I think it's so important to have a pamper night at least once a week where you can just completely relax and shut everything off. I aim to try and do this once or twice a week, depending on how much time I have. Personally, I think it's so therapeutic and a crucial part of my beauty regime.

To start my pamper nights I'll always take my make up off. If you're interested in seeing how I do that then check out my last blogpost where I write all about my skincare routine. If I'm having a pamper night I'll normally always exfoliate my face. It's probably the only time I do it in the week which makes my skin feel extra clean and refreshed.

I then run a bath. I don't know about you but if I'm having a pamper night I can't have a shower, I think it completely defeats the idea of being relaxing. Anyway, who wants to stand up when they can lay down in a comfort of warmth? In the bath I usually put either a bath bomb in or bubble bath. Also, I have to have a glass of water to cool me down otherwise the heat of the bath makes me feel really dizzy. Does anyone else get this?

Its not a pamper night if you don't apply a face mask, who's with me? Depending on how my skins feeling/looking, I'll either choose a clay one or peel off one. This time I used the clay mask. It's a detox mask and oh my, it's so good. It smells amazing as well, like berries.

Whilst I have my face mask on I wash my hair. I'm loving using the Umberto Giannini curl friends at the moment. I won't go into too much detail about it as I'm planning on doing a review but it leaves my hair smelling so nice and feeling super soft.
Once my hairs all washed I use two soap and glory products, clean on me and the scrub of your life. Clean on me is quickly becoming one of my favourites, it's a body wash that smells really good and it's moisturising. The scrub of your life has been making my skin so soft, I can't even put into words how much I highly recommend this product to you.

When I'm all finished in the bath I moisturise. Firstly I use a sweet obsessions body butter, it deeply moisturises my skin and leaves me smelling of chocolate (Which is always a benefit). Then I use heel genius by soap and glory. This product is so underrated, my heels have never felt so soft. Then I use a Nivea hand cream. I use these products on a daily basis and they're working wonders for me. Once I've finished moisturising I normally get changed into comfy pyjamas and fluffy socks.

I then light some candles in my room.
Normally, I'd paint my nails a colour but at the moment I'm trying out the OPI nail strengthener so that's what I painted my nails with. Has anyone else tried his product out?
I then get into bed and either read, listen to music or watch Netflix and YouTube. I decided to watch Netflix because I'm so hooked on Pretty Little Liars at the moment.
That's my pamper night, thank you for reading. 

All my love,
A British Brunette xo


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